Wow, I've already been a newgrounds member for more than a month now, time does go by depressingly fast o.O
So, something awesome happened tonight! (Well, it was night where I'm from at least). I was finally scouted for the Audio Portal :'D
It's actually quite funny, because a couple of days earlier I sent a message to Step, asking whether he could do something about me not being an approved musician yet :p (Edit: Btw thanks for replying :D)
I'm sorry Step; that was a waste of your time (I know he won't read this). I blame (thank) LunacyEcho though, since he was nice enough to scout me; not only that, but he wrote a giving review and became my first and thus far only fan :) Thanks a million! (Seriusly, go check him out).
Its a shame that I didn't join Newgrounds earlier though, it's such a nice site. Also, I would've had more to post earlier; now my free time is very limited D:
However, this is how things will look from now on:
I have about 30 compositions/stuff that are left over from 2013, ranging in quality from aweful to quite listenable. After I've written my matriculation exam I will pretty shortly be called into the military for almost a year (yay...) After my exam is finished I have about two free months, so I should be able to compose some new songs around that time.
So what I will do is post maybe about one old song a week, which should go on for pretty much half a year then. Maybe by that time, I will have a couple of people listening to my stuff, and actually reading things like these XD
I already started by posting the first one, which is called "Drawing a Universe", for resons explained in the description.
And that, as they say, is that.
//Shadow Dreamer