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Recent Movie Reviews

156 Movie Reviews

This may have been the last episode in the series, but it's a pleasure (whenever) I land on any of your marvelous creations. I shall look forward to what else will be birthed from your squidgy grey matter.

Sexual-Lobster responds:


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3

I'm glad this is the last thing I'm watching before going to sleep. I'm sure to dream of normal things. Good night!

Recent Game Reviews

61 Game Reviews

Hey, this is a pretty fun little game! A bit repetitive, perhaps, but that's alright in this case, I think. I managed to get to the hearts, maybe I'll try getting further later.

Oh, btw. For the "escaping" teeth, sometimes when I click thrice really fast on the same spot, it ends up eliminating them.

xmatos responds:

Thanks, I'll look into that.

This was simple, creative and fun. I've used Stencyl to create some games too, so it's always nice to see when someone has done it well. Keep up the good work!

Oh hey, I remember this. I was part of the beta testers, quite some time ago. I think it's an interesting game with a lot of potential. I wish you luck with further projects in the future :)

MakeGamesHappen responds:

Thanks. Working on a new rendering engine. I won't be around to correspond with anyone
until that happens. Sorry I couldn't finish this. I was a bit too ambitious. But I learned a lot.
-John Mark

Recent Audio Reviews

1,147 Audio Reviews

It's always super fun to hear updated versions of old songs! It's one of those things I feel like many artists think about creating all the time, but rarely get to. You did get to it, however! It sounds so nice too <3

I hope you're doing well!!

ChronoNomad responds:

Lucid! It's always super fun to hear from you, too! This is just one of those tunes that I really loved when it first came bubbling up in my mind, and the idea of revisiting it has been silently teasing me for years. I guess that I finally decided to do something about it! :D I'm really happy to know that it's so well received.

I am doing quite well! Edging closer and closer to the big FIVE OH, if it can be believed. I sure don't feel as old as all that. Most days, anyway. Haven't really done anything on the production side of things since remixing this track, but I'm always tuned in to the musical tides. Stay awesome, mate! I pray that all is well with you and yours. <3

I love the energy in this song! I'm looking forward to hearing the version with lyrics :3

PapoFuradoPA responds:

it's really nice read your comment because i'm your fan!

Hey, it's nice to hear something from you this year!
I've been so busy with life recently that now that it's calmed down a bit, I've found myself really missing Newgrounds; especially listening to all the music.

It was weirdly entrancing to look at Haruhi bopping along to the music :'D
I felt compel to join her, and I may or may not have for a bit (the world will never know). Great job!

Recent Art Reviews

176 Art Reviews

I'm so happy to hear that! Lovely drawing too ^___^

This looks great! I'm glad you found some use for your new software :D

This looks really neat! Great work :D

CrabbWalker responds:

Thanks LSD!!! :D

I exist. That'd pretty much be it. Pictures made on Paint.NET (getpaint.net) and Apophysis 7X.

Age 29, Male

A bit of everything

As a teacher


Joined on 12/23/13

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