I'm finally done with my second game ever!
It won't get nearly as much attention as my first game got, but that's okay :'D
The game was made for the Ludum Dare 29 Jam (with the theme "Beneath the Surface"), which means I made it in 3 days...
This time around, I made everything myself again. I even made the music and the "art", if one dares call it that (which I don't). I ended up not making any sound effects for this one... There simply wasn't time, and I figured they weren't necessarily needed XD
The game is very simple, yet quite difficult. It's not a really good game, but I'd say it's certainly playable! I'm not entirely happy with the music though... 2-3 days for creating all aspects of a game is certainly not enough time for me... I might still do this again sometime :3
I used Stencyl to make this game; I would've never been able to without it! I also uploaded a desktop version if anyone wants that :/ (Windows only).
Here's the games official page on the Ludum Dare website.
Enough of those uninteresting thing :p
Why not play the game? :)
Oh my! I haven't had time to write a new real blog post on my real blog D:
That's okay though. If you want something weird to read, I recommend this. It's one of my old blog entries, and it's pretty messy (and has several spelling/grammar errors!). I read it again today though, after a very long time, and I found it surprisingly interesting o.O
And that, as is so often said, is that.
Looks nice :D. I'll review it when I get to a computer.
Thanks! I noticed you make really good music! I somehow missed your submission for the A.I.M. contest, but that mistake is now corrected XD