EDIT: Thank you guys so much for becoming fans of mine! I never imagined I'd be able to reach much fans at all, and certainly not in this short a time. Thanks for showing your support, all of you; it's a great motivator :'D!!!
Even if I have no work or school at the moment, I've been having a full schedule lately. Everyone seems to want me at every place a the same time, and I have A TON of personal projects I want to finish up in the coming month, while still getting time to have fun. After that time of a moon cycle, I'll be drafted into the army, and my time will be severely limited :(
When this time comes, I'll go back to uploading a multitude of songs from 2013. I should have enough to go around for almost one composition a week. The quality of the pieces will be MUCH lower than the ones I'm currently putting up (for the most part at least), but the ideas behind many of them are good, and can well take a listen.
Until then, I shall keep putting up newer projects, and I'm working on far too many of them at once. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to make it to the Construct 2 Game Jam deadline, but that remains to be seen. I'm working on 4 different music projects too, one of which I put up a WIP track here.
In other news...
I graduated less than a week ago :D
This is to say, I had a long (from my impatient perspective) ceremony, a party for relatives, after which I partied hard later in the evening and the night. We went to a restaurant at first, after which we went to some bars and pubs ;)
I had a blast, and so did everyone else seem to have :3
I also got a "stipendium", which is actually a scholarship in English, now that I think about it :/
Well, I actually kind of got two. One was a merit-based financial scholarship, which actually gave me 600€, which is quite a lot. And that was because of subjects I didn't fully expect; My mother tongue (Swedish), English, and Music. Well, I guess I kinda could've expected them, but I thought I'd have been more probable to get something from a few other subjects o.O
The other one is more worth to me than the money. I got a very rare, so called "Pro Musica" award, which I got because of good performances in musical subjects and such. I went to a special class in school which lays its focus on music, so we've been doing a lton of stuff over all these years XD
I'm happy with the result in that at least, even if I'm not entirely happy with my final test results XD
Well well... I realize very few people are going to read such a long and boring post such as this, so I could always make it more attractive by decorating it a random picture (which you will clearly see I did). Let's choose my latest cd cover art for instance. I'm getting slightly better at this? I spend like 3 minutes every time before I upload a song on doodling something together :p
For those of you who are going to think back a reply similar to "Pfft, this is no long at all"... Oh have I got something for you ;)
This Newgrounds news stuffelistufz is not my real blog, but I actually keep one over at blogspot (blogger) too. So I dare you to go read my latest post, which is totally coincidentally also called Life.
(The word "Life" is a link, although it's white, because magic).
Anyhow. Now that I have no more school, I need to search for more education. Tomorrow I'll go to an interview, as I'm trying to get into a university on a pedagocic line. Thus, I should probably go to sleep early for once... (And not way after 5 am, as I usually do...) The interview is already at 10 am -_-
Wish me luck!
A shadow in my dream once spoke these bone-chilling words of wisdom after I had asked it, "Who am I?".
"If you say you know me, then you don't know me. If you think you know me, then you probably know me."
LucidShadowDreamer (Updated )
That is actually pretty interesting o.O
Your dreams often give you answers for your questions. Interpreting them is a whole other thing though :)
If you ever have a nightmare, but realize you are dreaming, try asking your nightmare, into thin air, or the horror's objectification, what it represents ;)