I've got some projects going on at the moment.
I'm working on a collab with the awesome Newgrounds musician known as @dem0lecule at the moment.
I'm also working on a brand new game. It will probably take a month or so at least until I'm finished, as I have so many other things to do.
I also make small musical projects in between just for fun. Like this one!
If someone wants to risk a track turning out either great or horrible for their project, I'll gladly try composing something upon request, as long as it's not too big (like if I am asked to create an entire soundtrack of 15 tracks for free, that'd probably be a "no thanks" from me :3).
Finally, if you want to read about the absurdity of life seen from the perspective of a soon to be 20-year-old who thinks he knows something about the world, you should totally check out my latest blog entry!
Keep on being as amazing as you are, you guys ;)
LucidShadowDreamer (Updated )
Whatever happend to freeing Zurboig?
Either way, aren't you just a Supergandhi64 alt account anyway :p ?