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    I exist. That'd pretty much be it. Pictures made on Paint.NET (getpaint.net) and Apophysis 7X.

    Age 29, Male

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    Joined on 12/23/13

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    100% Insignificant Update!!!

    Posted by LucidShadowDreamer - February 16th, 2016

    Hiya peeps :3


    [EDIT: I just uploaded a new and weird track, check it out! ... Please?





    I just figured I'd give a short update, to tell you what I've been up to lately. Which is... Pretty much nothing D:

    Turns out that studying takes a lot of your time. Who'd have thunk it?
    I have plans on finishing a track later today (after school and a piano lesson I'm giving) which I started working on more than a month ago, but haven't had time to complete, until hopefully now [EDIT: Mission failed, but I aim to get it done this week in the very least].
    Other than that, I have plans on learning a few new tracks on the piano, so that I get something interesting to upload to my Youtube channel.

    This week I really have to finish writing an exam as well... After I'm done with that, I hope I'll finally get some time to collaborate with other Newgrounds musicians to create some new and sweet music!

    In the meantime, you could check out this silly video of me playing a weird arrangement of Itsy Bitsy Spider, on a Grand Piano at my school:




    If you find this newspost to be too short, I challenge you to read my latest blog post as well. Disclaimer: It's ridiculously long, and filled with my uncensored, weird and kinda philosophical thoughts. Read at own risk.

    That's all for now. I hope you'll all have a great week!




    I wish I could play some piano : (
    I took some lessons when I was younger, but my coordination is terrible.

    You can still learn to play really well; it's never too late :)
    Just keep on playing songs you love, and increase the difficulty when you get better :3
    I've barely been playing for 7 years myself :p

    This is the best blog post of yours that I read! I've been thinking about the topic of mental shortcuts for months. I took a psychology class last semester and it completely changed the way I viewed the world. Unfortunately, this new perspective on life hasn't helped me. Even though I'm now aware of many of my bad behavioral patterns, I can't change them. I was born with a condition that caused my brain to perceive social interactions as a threat, so since the beginning of my life, I developed and enforced behavioral patterns of not responding to certain social interactions. I no longer have this condition, but the behavioral patterns still persist to a lesser degree.

    I think that religion, not all religions, is the main reason why so many people don't understand basic psychology and lack critical thinking skills. I think this based on personal experiences. I went to a religious elementary school that taught students to believe everything the teacher said, and to never question or talk back to him or her. I was never taught the concept of critical thinking; I was taught to respect and trust the words of people who were older than me. When I was growing up, I was often told many myths that I thought were true because everyone around me believed them, and I lacked the skills to find out of they were actually true. I was also taught that people of my religion were special and that the world was against us. Most people of this religion vote for republicans, or conservatives, because they are told to by community leaders. Their reasoning is that small government is better than big government because government is innately corrupt. I honestly think that many people of this religion are only religious because of social pressure; no one wants to be rejected from the community they've known for their entire lives. And there is also pressure from the concept of an afterlife. I'm thankful that I learned critical thinking skills from the internet, specifically from the youtube channel TYT.

    The anime you mentioned sounds interesting. I'm barely getting homework this semester so I have time to watch it. Have you watched hunter x hunter 2011? It's my favorite anime.

    Oh wow, thanks for reading that ridiculously long post, and for reading my entries in general! It means a lot :D!
    Also, sorry for the unusually late response. I'm rather busy (school, ugh), and I like to be in a good mental state when I respond to serious stuff :)

    It's a shame to hear that you grew up in (dare I say) a somewhat close minded community, at least in regards to certain topics, as well as when it comes to thinking in general. I am lucky enough to have been brought up in pretty much the polar opposite; critical thinking is encouraged at all ages here. I don't think you should beat yourself up over behavioral patterns too much though. Either, they can be bad for you, but not a deal breaker in any regard, or if they are or they bother you much, it's always possible to change behavior over time (sometimes a long time). At least it's possible to regulate it (that is, our temperament [as in the psychological term; the basis for our reactions] doesn't change much as we age, but how we handle it does, and can be controlled). As our thoughts and actions are manifested in something physical, which is our brains and bodies, it goes without saying that most any pattern can be altered over time, as thinking alone leaves physical traces in our brain. But for most things, it requires a lot of effort. I have lots of bad habits I know I'll never try to do anything about, because they don't seriously interfere in my life in too negative a way. But there are others, which I decide to do something about, no matter how long it takes.
    I get you to some extent though. Social interactions in general can be difficult to handle, depending on the context. I know a person who developed good social skills and understanding pretty late though, so I know that change in that area is possible too. In the end, social or not, I recommend just reaching a place where you're comfortable with yourself, even if you are aware of potential negative qualities you may possess. There are better ways to use one's time than to worry about what one is doing wrong all the time :)

    Religion sure is an interesting topic, for debate and otherwise. I don't have anything against religious people if they are of a certain kind, and don't push their beliefs on others too much, nor "brainwash" children, etc. There are great critical thinkers who also happen to be religious. But in general, I personally think that a lot of things would be better without religion. That said, inherently, I think that it's not religion per se that is a problem; it's how we humans like to let an idea represent our thoughts and values, instead of our thoughts and values representing themselves. For example, a political belief can be just as harmful as a religious one, and it can be just as delusional. However, often people who tend to pertain to certain religions, also tend to favor certain kinds of political beliefs...

    I also watch The Young Turks from time to time, especially now that I follow the Presidential election in the U.S. I really fucking hope that Bernie wins, personally...
    I usually watch people like TAA, or the podcast he's in, called The Drunken Peasants. The latter one, I like because it's relaxing to take in some low-brow comedy, while keeping myself up to date on what's happening around. I generally agree with a lot of their opinions too, and I feel like my English is getting slightly better because of activities like this :)

    As for HxH, I've heard tons about it, and I'm going to watch it sooner or later! But as I currently don't have that much time, I don't want to delve into something of such lenght, especially because it's good and I'd get addicted immediately.
    I hope you're doing well! :D

    Good stuff as usual!

    The most I've ever played was Love Song by Sara Barailles XD. Back when I played more, I would just randomly play notes until I hear an interesting sound that I haven't heard before (I know, just horrid lol). I think I still have a couple of "improvs" on my old comp.

    I decided to read a bit of your blog post, and it all caught my eye! Lots of content, very intriguing read, as if I felt that I've read it before somewhere else. It felt like the terminology you were revolving around was "self-actualization" coined by Maslow I believe. What we define as normal is a pathology, a sickness of sorts hindering us from our true selves. I'm just pretty much nodding my head in agreement with the labels part ^.^

    Here's a cool article about some of it!


    Thank you!

    It's neat that you still have some of your improvisations stored XD I have tons of old improvisations hidden somewhere too, and I can see my progress quite clearly whenever I listen to them :D
    I think your method is a pretty good one, if you keep it up; you'll learn to understand the notes and harmonies in your own way :)

    Thanks for reading a bit of it. I did kinda open with that topic indeed, even if it was not the main subject, as I think it was a good opener to start with myself and my habits. I know of Maslow, and even if some of his stuff is oudated, he had some good general thoughts. I might write a post about normality at some point, though I'm not sure. It'll all depend on what kind of a mindset I'm it :p

    The article was pretty interesting! Thanks for sharing!!

    That itsy-bitsy spider arrangement was amazing! :O

    Also, who on earth still wears watches? :/

    Thanks a lot! Don't think I've forgotten about you just yet, hehhe. I'm just really tired, from studies and the like. But for the first time in a long while, I should have a pretty easy week ahead of me. So I'll do my best to respond to your reviews, and to your PM (maybe 2 of them, if I have time), within a week :D
    Hopefully, I'll remember to review your latest upload too! I've had it on a sidebar for a couple of days now :p

    I always like to know what time it is, is all xD
    Take care, and talk to ya soon!

    Haha, no worries Ale. ;) I too have a ridiculous fascination with time, yet I tend to regard watches as unnecessary as long as I have my phone. Still, I understand it can be annoying to reach into your pocket every time.

    Hope to hear from you soon! :)

    I get both sides of this "issue" xD
    I'll tell you my story:

    I used to wear a watch all the time. Even when I was sleeping. This went on for several years, and I think the watch changed once or twice. But then, as one eventually stopped working (I've had both digital and mechanical ones), I simply didn't buy a new one.
    After that, I went a couple of years without a watch on my wrist, using only my phone and the clocks that are around me, as you said. No real reason!

    Then, when I had to go to the army, I told my dad to buy me the cheapest wirst watch he could find (because you really need to be able to keep track of time there), and I used it in the woods and everywhere else. Somehow, it survived the army, and now I am living between two worlds. That is, whenever I'm at home, I don't wear it, but if I go outside or someplace else, I put it on.

    I know, a veeery interesting and fascinating story, full of emotion and wonder. Anywho, this is what you get for now xD

    The days move so fast! It's 5am again :(
    My whole day has gone, talking to people on Skype. But this has been a great day, to be honest!
    I'm collaborating with 4 people at once now, so I'm still pretty slow. I really want to respond soon though, so I'll do my best!!!

    I hope you're having a nice weekend :D