I liked both this as well as the fourth edition of this game! I can barely comprehend how much art you've done for these! They were both early and very good contributions to the Stencyl Jam 2014 :'D
Really good job on both of these :3
I liked both this as well as the fourth edition of this game! I can barely comprehend how much art you've done for these! They were both early and very good contributions to the Stencyl Jam 2014 :'D
Really good job on both of these :3
This is actually a pretty good game, and an original one at that!
I like the music too. I think that the animations/graphics were fine, but even if this is an office, I could've done with a slightly better background :p
The gameplay is pretty challenging at points. I don't know if there's already a way to do this, but I would've liked a way to cancel accidental cuts!
Anyhow, well done!
Thankyou Lucid.
I agree that the background looks bland, even for an office theme. I'll have to fix that.
There actually isn't a way to cancel cuts now, but the feature will be there when I redo the game.
Wow. I am amazed.
I didn't even realize that this beautiful a game was in the competition before it was almost over.
Let me begin by saying I never though that you could do this much in Stencyl. I still have no idea how you manage to pull that elastic web off.
The gameplay is pretty decent, and fairly difficult. I think I would have liked it if the web was slightly longer, but it was fully possible to complete the game as it is, so that is okay. The lecel design was mostly awesome too. I liked how you creatively used the web mechanic to force the player to find ones way through the dark path. I also found one of these invisible blocks later. There were many extra places you could go. It would have been cool had you put something extra on some of them, but hey, maybe you did; I probably didn't find everything :)
I also loved the wind! It felt so natural, in a way! You seem to really know how to work with stencyl, I must say.
Even if I enjoyed the gameplay, I would have to say that the strongest aspects of this game, by far, are the athmospherical elements! I can't even comprehend how beautiful all the art/animations are!!! The detail of everything, the background, tiles, characters, everything :'D
The snails, the spiders (interesting how at least some [I don't remember all of them] seemed to have but 6 legs :3), the beetles, the magpie at the end, the fire flies...
Speaking of the ending; holy **** it was an astounding scene! The colors used in this game, both when light and when dark work so well! The visual aspects in this game are among the best 've ever seen.
Aside from the graphics, I must say that the music is simply perfect too! Theodor seems to be a very talented musician. And it suits the rest of the game so well too!!
Overall, I had an amazing gaming experience playing this, and it easily deserves a spot among my favorites.
I'll eagerly be awaiting further chapters of this :')
Amazing job, and congratulations for winning the contest; a most well deserved victory!!
5/5, 10/10.
Why do all these good games keep getting so low scores oO?
Although simple, and maybe not the most original, I like this game. I've played this for almost half an hour, and I'm not bored yet, and I might even come back to play more later (I've still got a few games left on the list of contestants that I want to play first).
The music suits the game quite well, but I like the art/animations even more! Did you make them yourself :p ?
The game is, as you mentioned, a bit unbalanced, but it's still fun to play!
Good job with this one ;)
Oh my, I thought I reviewed this weeks ago, but it seems I forgot. Sorry for that!
Thoughts? This is actually a really good game. The art style is good enough, and the music is quite fitting.
What I really like though, is the game play. Not only is the idea quite original, but the level design is usually really good! Those helpful texts were pretty funny at times too :)
I played until level 26, before I got bored (I might play more later, we'll see). I think that adding medals would have been a good idea, and that it would've kept people playing for longer.
I honestly have a difficult time understanding why the score is so low compared to how good te game is; it deserves much better.
May I ask (I've done no research) where does the name come from :p ?
Overall, a pretty solid game.
Good job!
Wow thanks so much! I'm glad you thought so highly of my design choices :) I feel like I did make the game too hard, which puts a lot of people off. but i did intend for the game to be played by non-casual gamers. I definitely wanted this game to be an insane challenge. unfortunately some people think it's way too unforgiving. Which is not for me to deny.
And wow I totally thought i put in what the name means on the first level. Seminia is a combination of 'semi-' and 'minimalistic'.. because it is semi-minimalistic :D and i added an 'a' to make it sound like a name.
Thanks again for that awesome review!
Heyy, this is actually a pretty good game!
I was so into playing at first, I didn't even notice the powerups :p
This game made me remember the good old Crash games, when a boulder would be chasing you :3
I must especially compliment you on the art and music!
I also think you did pretty good with most of the programming :)
However, I had some issues with the medals. After I got the first medals, the rest would not unlock, for some reason (I got more than 10 karma points, and so on). I don't know if this is because I used the heart power up, or what, since the first medal I got worked just fine :/
Also, it took a while before the scoreboard recognized me, but oh well.
All in all, this is a pretty solid game; good job!
Thanks for your review. I'll check the medal & scoreproblem now, maybe I messed some blocks with the update. Anyway your survival time is very good. I might think about lowering the difficulty a bit, since there are 5 difficulties to handle :). By the way D-Pression is a great project of yours. I had a hard time at the scene where you have to wall jump many times.
Edit: Yes you were right about the medals. I accidently moved the medal blocks, thanks for finding this error, this is fixed now.
Alright. So alike many others, I made it to puzzle 7.
I'm sure I could beat that too, but it would be more time consuming, and I don't feel up for the task at the moment. I might come back later and finish the game :p
Anyhow, I think the best aspect of the game is not the gameplay, but the art! Good job, TurkeyOnAStick!
Also, the puzzles were entertaining, and slightly somewhat challenging. I don't know about the ones after 7 though, since I haven't played them, at least yet.
I feel like the ambient music was fine at first, but I personally would've enjoyed some kind of egyptian style crypt music, like you often find in similar games/movies (stylistically similar, I mean).
Also, I feel that the programming seems fine too, I didn't really find any flaws.
Good job, and good luck in the contest!
Sorry for reviewing this so late! I wanted to complete the game first, and some other stuff came in between.
This is a very good game, especially for having been done in Stencyl! This is one of the games that shows what the software is really capable of!
Firstly, in terms of art and animation, this game is astonishing! The style is very cool.
At times, some animations could get a bit odd, like when quickly shifting between hanging from an edge and climbing up repeatedly. But even that looks pretty okay.
Only thing I noticed, is that the "falling" animation doesn't seem to turn even if you switch between the arrow keys. that is to say, if you're on the way up (jumping) your character will mirror flip once you change direction, but if you're falling, the character will just fall backwards.
Most of the controls felt fine too.
Also, I really enjoyed the music in this game; it fits the style so well.
I think the weakest part is the gameplay itself (not weak, but not as great as the other aspects of the game :D). I was thinking about leaving the game after a while, since it started so slowly. But since more elements kept being introduced, I finished the game. That was a really good choice!
personally, I've played more entertaining games in terms of gameplay, and more original ones (at first, at least; the more I played, the more original the game became because of the newer additions, like taming demons and such). I didn't find the puzzles too challening though. That said, I'm not going to go for the "Good Karma" badge.
I also found an odd bug in the beginning, and I'm really sorry for not remembering exactly what it was! I remember I went somewhere in a map I wasn't suppoed to go (but that might not have been the problem), but I got stuck somehow, and had to restart. It's such a shame that I don't remember... Sorry for that!
EDIT: Actually, I decided to replay the game up 'til this point. Turns out, it's in the "just action" level. If you use the platforms to climb up all the way to where the key comes from, all the way to the left, you're stuck. Hope this helped!
(Also, sometimes when one climbs up stairs, one seems to "get stuck" at the last step, but if you jump or change direction, one is free again).
Then, there's the story. I really liked it, and although I've seen better, this belongs to the good ones. You get to see a character development, and there's an antagonist as well as a wise mentor, and all that good stuff. Naturally, this is the classic story (the disciple that first betrays the master, but later becomes one himself), so not as original as it could be, but it had its own twist to it, which is nice.
Also, the medals were pretty good.
I'm a hypocrite for saying this, but I would've liked if a level select option was available after one has beaten the game. I guess that's just a personal preference.
All in all, this was a really enjoyable gaming experience, and I wish you all luck in the contest!
5/5, 9/10.
Although I don't think this is the most original game I've seen, I won't hold it against it. Also, I'm aware you have an older version of the game on you website, so I guess it is pretty original still :)
This is a great improvement from the last installment, good job! And good job on getting a sponsor too :'D
I think that the animations for this game are great! They are very likable. Also, I'm impressed by how well the controls work. Although the movement differs a bit from what you usually see in games, I think they work well, and in the way that you intended.
Your choice of music is also good.
I like the fact that you decided to include a local multiplayer option. For a game like this, it is a very smart idea!
The shop was a nice addition too; it makes you want to play for far longer times.
I'm probably pretty stupid myself. You see, I played for a while and bought some stuff yesterday, but I never realized that there was a save button! Oh well.
Otherwise, an auto save function could be quite good, but really, you showed that face button in my face without me noticing it, so it's my bad!
Anyhow, this is an entertaining game. Good job, and good luck in the contest! (sorry for the late review).
Thanks for the review, yeah this is actually I remake of the first proper game I made, So wanted to improve on it and do all the code and art.
Sorry about the save situation, it did have automatic saving but you probably noticed Or haven't noticed :P when you save the game is not responsive for a 3-4 seconds which a lot of people did not like when it was automatic so switched it to manual sorry!
I liked your game as well but couldn't get past the first angled bit. Sorry for the review in a review :P
Alright. This is a pretty cool game. I like the concept!
I especially like the art/animations (and as we all know, the scissors rock! [get it?]) The other two characters are cool too.
The music is okay too :)
Also, the story, short as it is, is funny :'D
Although I liked the game, I have a few things to point out!
- The character animation doesn't switch (mirror flip) in the air when you switch direction, after a certain point has been reached
- If you change wizard a millisecond after a death, the character (that is dead) is reborn as one of the other characters, although the level restarts as normally (and if you're really fast, you can get back the wizard that died for a millisecond, by switching twice).
- You should warn people that your save restarts when you hit the home button; at least that happened to me :/
-Also, some of the level design could use improvement. Nothing too big, but for example, it's hard to predict what will be below you in some of the drops because the camera doesn't reach that far, which can be annoying late in a level :p
Some of the jumps could be shorter and some longer too.
All that aside, I really liked your entry. Very good job, as your first published project too!
I personally always got confused about which arrow key is which character, even if that's written on the screen at all times! Do I feel dumb haha :D
Wow, thanks for the review, very in-depth.
As for the stuff you pointed out...
Yeah I was having trouble with the dead wizard glitch for a while. I decided that since I got the level to restart, it didn't break the game, and as a cosmetic issue I put it on low priority for the bug fixes. I would have liked to fix it if I had time- same with the jump direction switch.
Sorry about the game restarting! I should have known people might want to come back to it after going to home screen- that was an oversight of mine.
The level design was also difficult- trying to introduce some mechanics while making it challenging. There is some polishing needed there, but a lot of the levels are pretty short so I was hoping I wouldn't annoy people with some surprises ;-).
I definitely take your comments to heart, thanks again.
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