Alright, here's a review.
It's a fun game, and it is indeed addicting. The graphics were appealing, and the music was fitting.
The gameplay was entertaining, although difficult at some parts. As many have mentioned, the sliding made some things difficult, even if I think it was a good element. I think the problem is that you have to be quite nitpicky with your jumps at times, and the sliding makes that even more challenging.
Also, those blocks you could move were at times annoying; if you don't know exactly how much force to apply, they might end up in the wrong place, causing you to have to restart.
You probably already know this, but at the part with the two bats, where you can get the Gingerbread Man, there are a few bugs/glitches. As you mentioned in the description, one can get trapped in tiles. Well, I had two similar things happen to me. 1: I was suddenly inside a tile, but could jump out with ease. 2: I fell trhough the wall at the right, all the way down to the lava where I died. I don't know what's causing this, so I can't help you fix this.
Speaking of falling...
I'm guessing you based the checkpoints on the height of the screen at which the character was located when it died/restart was pressed? If so, I have a suggestion (nothing you have to do):
You see, at several occasions I accidentally fell down almost all the way to the bottom. This, as you probably know, also resets some checkpoints, which could be quite irritating.
My suggestion is that you make it so that when a checkpoint is reached, one can not go back to a previous checkpoint. Of course, you could still manually go down, but if lets say, you die or restart is pressed, you go back to the highest checkpoint. This should be somewhat easy to do, if you use a number based game attribute (or a normal attribute, since this seems to be only one big scene).
It's just a suggestion though :D
Lastly, I have a few questions XD
I'm also currently trying to make a game on Stencyl, and I'm about halfway through. I noticed that you still had the Stencyl spash screen, which suggests that you're not using the "pro" version (or are you?). I also noticed that you had the Newgrounds play button, and with adds. I would be very grateful if you told me how to set up Newgrouds adds, and whether or not one has to have the payed version of Stencyl to do so, or if you have to be sponsored by Newgrounds?
I'm also having a though time trying to understand how you set up badges in the game, but I'll probably be able to figure that out myself :p
Anyhow, I'd be happy if you replied!
This was an entertaining game, and it's definitely the best one that has been submitted for the Stencyl Jam 2014 so far, imo!