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I love this track! It's so eerie o.O
The sounds you recorded build up the tension and the atmosphere so well :O
I think that the progression is pretty much perfect too. One of the most atmospheric tracks you've ever made, if I dare say so. Fantastic work!

zybor responds:

Thank you very much for your review, LSD. :)

I think this is a really neat idea! The rhythm is interesting, and the melody after the first half is catchy! It might be a personal preference, but the piano sounds like it could use some more dynamics; differing velocities, so it sounds less "programmed", and maybe it's slighty too dry? It's pretty close, but I kinda like that in a way. I think you have a neat start, so keep it up!

Irish-Soul responds:

Thank you so much! I completely agree with everything you said. I will certainly put that in mind when I continue with the song. I really appreciate you taking the time to give me constructive criticism because that is exactly what I need. Although the segment that you liked was the segment I spent the most amount of time on, so I'm not that surprised. Once again, thanks a bunch for the review!


Oh wow, I really love this! You've got such a great voice, and it's very apparent in this track in particular. The "farm life" paragraph (pre-chorus? :p) is definitely my favorite!

Wonderful job on this, and good luck! :3

FinnMK responds:

Thanks very much, o all-powerful scribe!

Fell asleep listening to this. Twas trippy, but very pretty o.O

zybor responds:

Thank you for your review LSD. :)

Oh my God! I've waited so long for another broove track, and I know a few other people who have as well :O!
And what's more, it's a wonderfully pretty one <3
I don't intend to ruin its beauty with a more in-depth review.
May I ask what type of piano you used?

Thanks for sharing what you made. I hope you don't mind if I share this with some other people :3

broove responds:

Hi LucidShadowDreamer!

I'm happy that you liked it. This is from "Olafur Aranalds Toolkit". It's a bit muffled, so I had to eq it, but then it gets a bit too sharp for my ears at places. I'll experiment with it more, because I really like it's soft sound and melancholic vibe.

Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment.

Relistened, and found myself enjoying it a lot!

Everratic responds:

I'm glad to hear that!

Oh my, I love the atmosphere here. That melody at 1:07 is so good :O
It's a real message too. In Finland, I think we have the most forest covering the land, out of all countries. Even so, we work a lot with wood! There are ways to use space, and use wood without runining them; you take care of them, and restore them. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like this is done everywhere :(

Seriously though, fantastic track! The mood is just perfect.

zybor responds:

Thank you for your kind words! :)

This legit sounds super cool! The loop is perfect as well xD
I wonder what trippy dreams I would have if I fell asleep to this :O
Great job, and interesting method used!!

I like your new avatar, btw ^____^

zybor responds:

Thank you for your review! :)

While many parts of humanity are dark and terrifying, and sometimes just pure evil, I still feel it's worth to have this planet for the people that do some good, and don't deserve extinction. Even if there were only a few decent people left, they personally still didn't do anything to deserve elimination, I guess!
Life seems to still be tough for you, but I'm super glad to see you fighting, and still composing inspiring tracks too. Keep it up like always, man! <3

zybor responds:

Humans are the creatures of dichotomy. They love and hate nature. They save and kill things. But over times, things they save becoming overwhelmed by things they destroy. And we are heading toward the path of nothing. It's already too late to undo climate change. Billions going to suffer the act of few thousands on the top.

Thank you for your review!

Your music is indeed a drug that's easy to get addicted to. I know life is tough, I'm happy you still bless us with your music though. Keep up the great work <3

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