Sorry for being late... I got distracted by the internet (and listening to this: [on a cd] while reading the story it's inspired by). I also improvised like half an hour on the piano after I listened to your piece again. So it's your fault that I'm late, for making me improvise a good waltz and not record it nor recall it >:(
Also... I was kind of on a slalom skiing vacation, which is really why I'm so late; sorry for that D:
Well, to begin with, I really like this! I am a pianist, so a well composed solo piano piece is sure to catch my attention :D
Hmm, to me it sounds like two talented people would be enough to play this, but if you say 3 are needed, I guess you're right. I was never good at hearing theese things anyway :p (Edit: I can kinda see how three people would be needed).
So, down to the actual song itself.
The first thing I notice is that this might not be how I would have mixed the track. It's definitely not bad, just different from what I'm used to. What VSTi did you use?
I use a real electronic yamaha piano, and I record these things live, so I'm REALLY not used to working with piano VST instruments XD
That said, I think you did pretty good for making this sound in a DAW. I tried working with Piano One, and while I managed, I noticed how difficult it was to get the sound I wanted out of it, compared to a real piano. And the more I listen to this, the better it sounds. Maybe it just took some time getting used to :D? The beginning almost sounded like something SteamPianist could come up with XD
Personally, I think I would've added a bit more reverb. I've never known how to EQ a piano, so I won't even mention anything regarding this = I don't know if it's good or not :/ Also, for some reason, it sounds like the piano is far away, or something. Maybe the piano sound for some reason isn't wide enough? But I'm going to shut up about this now, as I know nothing of mixing and such XD
Down to the composition itself. This is where I think you did an exceptional job! I already heard a part of this song in your wonderful song submitted on the 1st of April :D
I didn't use to be that fond of Waltz music long ago. But, long story short: That was long ago, and nowadays I mostly love it, and this piece is no exception. I especially like them a bit dark, so the introduction of this piece really made me excited for what was to come, and I was not disappointed!
I like how you used so few chords for such a long time in the intro, up 'til 0:39 (no more than 2, unless I'm even worse at listening than I think. Well, there where the transitions between the two main chords too, I guess :). If I'm not entirely dumb, this composition is in C minor? And the two chords I mentioned are, well, C minor and G minor (with the minor third Bb, as the base, when the chord is G minor)? Please tell me I'm right, or this will sound stupid -_-
Well, it's not like I spent a lot of time trying to figure them out, so I might very well be wrong, actually.
Then you continue using very few different chords at all, until 1:57. I love all the harmonies that you still managed to create. I sometimes make songs that use only one basic chord. That's really fun! Oh right, this was a review... Let's get back to it then!
The melodies are all great too. I think you did a really good job with the velocities, which might please you. I also like that the left hand (although there are more hands, but you get what I mean; the bass and middle section) doesn't only play the chords, but transtitions and has melodies of it's own!
I like how you used a very classic transition at 0:39 - 0:43, but still made it feel a bit different. It's a perfect transition btw. It's a good segway to the next part of the song where a new theme is introduced and more "hands" begin playing. The "left hand" at 0:43 reminds me of the beginning of "The Black Pearl" from "Pirates of the Carribean". I don't know if you've heard the song, but it doesn't matter, as you don't even play the same notes anyway. It's just the rythm that's similar :)
The lowest tones at this part (as well as in later parts) almost sound like bells XD
The way the song transitions and switches moods actually makes this a pretty good soundtrack piece! (Of course, you wanted to portray the journy into the Underworld, and the quest for the flower. Hence, it's no wonder that this might be a good soundtrack piece).
I like that low volumed note that is played over and over after 0:52. It fits perfectly. I also like how you bring back the melody from the beginning shortly after this, but with a slight difference. Now you've really got a lot going on!
1:18 BOOM!
This was great! Not only the sliding transition, but that whole thing with those hits there in the middle, before you continue with the same part as before, like nothing would've happened. If this was a soundtrack, something special would happen between 1:18 and 1:27. The funny thing is, for some twisted reason, this part reminded me of the Original Angry Birds Theme, even if it's completely different o.O Scary stuff...
As I said, I like how the piece goes on after this as if nothing had happened. Except... It's a bit more dramatic. The melody from the beginning makes yet another return, which really gives a good sense of flow to the piece. I think that the section after 1:27 is one of my favourite parts, especially after 1:35, when yet another "hand/part/whatever" is added. This was a great addition, btw. The velocity levels were simply great here! So many distinct sounds with only one instrument. That is one of the reasons I love the piano; there's little you can't do. 1:43 sounds quite interesting too.
The pause after this is of perfect length. I know some people would complain, but I like the way the mood switches entirely (some would say the change is too drastic, but I'm guessing this is where the hero obtains the flower?).
The cool thing is that you still keep some of the structure from the earlier parts (after 1:57, that is)! The breakdown before that is cool too. I like gliding to a note like you did at 1:55. It often adds a lot to a melody. After repeating the melody once after 1:57, I personally would've liked if you would've varied it just a little bit after 2:05, like you did with the other melody in the intro. But that's such a small thing, and just an opinion that it doesn't even matter. At least you added something else in the background, so there's that kind of variation :p
This section sounds especially classical.
Did you use only one piano VSTi, or did you mix the high regions differently? Those high notes at 2:14 sound really good, I just have a hard time imagining they belong to the same piano :3
2:32 => may just be my favourite part of this composition. Those strings, for one, are beautiful. But even more, I love how you (or well, your DAW) scaled down and up the piano at 2:33, 2:39 & 2:42. These parts especially sound the best, and the sound is the most realistic here as well, I think! You MUST've used several VSTi:s, no? Mixing separate regions or notes would be so much work, at least for me o.O
Did I mention those strings were beautiful? I know I did, I just had to do it again, so that it'd really sink in. Remember how I complained about how the piano was mixed in the beginning? I've now looped this I don't know how many times and I'm blind to any faults. I'm just going to trust what I said earlier, which is why I removed half a star :3
Maybe that's unfair, but meh :)
Anyhow, great portrayal of atmosphere throughout the entire piece.
The ending is simple, but fits well. I don't really have much to say about it. It might've come a bit quick, but then again, this song began immediately as well!
But wouldn't it have been fun to make a dark ending, similar to the beginning >:)?
That short part of happiness would wither and become twisted and meaningless; false hope >:D
It would be like a great success, which ended in a horrible accident, which would haunt the minds of the involved for years. Muahahahahahhaha!!!
Funny thing is: Even if this is a great solo piano piece (what strings? There were no strings! *looks/hears the other way*), I think this could be a great orchestral piece! Especially since I think it has the "soundtracky" feel to it. Maybe that's just me though.
I would probably keep this as a solo instrument piece, as the strings were absent for so much of the piece. I don't think it really matters that much :)
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnyhoooooooow. As I said, I liked the piece. Or well, I still like it. It's not like I suddenly don't like it now...
Interesting Greek mythology. I've always liked, Greek mythology :3
While the beginning of the song was slighty mysterious, I could still hear the venture in it. The underworld took over quite quickly though :)
As I said, it would be an interesting twist with a dark ending, as it turns out that the flower actually was a deadly poison D: !!!
Or not.... I like the ending as it is. Maybe I'm just a bit tired...
I'm sorry for this review being so messy, incoherent and totally impossible to grasp. I have a hard time keeping myself focused, as one might notice :/ (Oh God the spelling mistakes and similar errors...)
Since I arrived here so early, I decided to only leave a short review, but I hope it was at least slightly helpful, even if I didn't really complain at all; I only analyzed o.O
Oh well, you'll live.
P.S. Feel like explaining your tags? They are always some mysterious references...
(Good luck with the competition!!!)
P.P.S. (How's that bagpipe song going? I'm still waiting :3)