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Sorry for the late review! Seems we both stayed up the night to work on our projects, given our time zones :'D

I love the atmosphere you build in the beginning. It's very pleasant-sounding, and it builds up perfectly to the very intense second part of the piece. Speaking of which, I do love when it hits! Very cool rhythm, and I always like to hear sounds that are a bit avant-grade; it really makes your style stand out! The power of the percussion is quite something too!

I love the alien voice. I'll look forward to hearing the expanded version at some point. Good luck!

LD-W responds:

Ayy thanks

Certain elements of the piece such as the mutated/artificial vocal-chops which make up the earlier rhythms, plus some of the other vocal effects and chants are the kind of content I'll be making for a Kontakt Library currently in early-development (for eventual sale), so if that's something you're interested in getting your hands on at some point, I don't mind sending you over a free copy to play around with in the future haha

This track is fantastic! Great job with it, dude :D!!

FateModified responds:

Wow thanks LSD! <33

I've got nothing but pure love for this. Some of your best work for sure! Best of luck in AIM O.O

ChronoNomad responds:

Wow, thanks a lot for stopping by, Lucid! Really appreciate the quick review, and I'm humbled by your feedback. So glad you like it, man.

I see that you made it to the AIM party, too! Best of luck to you, as well. ^__^

You build up a really nice atmosphere with this piece. I think it portrays the theme you described nicely. It gives me a bit of that western feel, but maybe with more of a video-game:y touch. Good luck!

The game looks absolutely wonderful, and I'm listening to this while having a look at the visuals. I don't have time to play it at the moment, but I might give it a go later. Either way, I just wanted to tell you I really enjoyed this composition, and wish it was a bit longer even, so I could hear more :D

Well first of, I love the title. I might be biased though, as it sounds like a title I would come up with xD
Biased or not, it fits the track really well. I love the atmosphere in the intro. I am impressed by how well you used the held back, almost dry sound to portray such a warmly cold feel. If someone would've dropped out, I believe this track would've been a tough one to beat. I am glad you took the time to make it just in case. Even if you didn't progress, you ended up with another great composition under your belt.

I'm looking forward to hearing more of your work in the future.

I absolutely love this! That note at 0:22 (and 0:31, etc.) took me off guard in a great way :)
Great energy and balance in this piece. It's a combination of so many awesome elements that my mind doesn't always know what to focus on. The strong bass-synth at the end is really addicting. I'm glad it's on repeat too!

zybor responds:

Thank you so much for your review :)

Beautiful ^____^

JessieYun responds:

Hey LucidShadowDreamer,
Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it!

I actually prefer this song a bit to your wondeful track from last round. So if that's any indication for how you'll do this round, you did very well :p

That's some impressive flow! Once again, the lyrics are a highlight of the piece, but I also really like the structure and the style. There are lots of details in the instruments and melodies that I really appreciate.

LunacyEcho responds:

ooo ty I'm glad to hear you liked it! I think the biggest difference between "big" projects like ngadm songs and regular songs is the detail; tysm for appreciating them

This is one of the most fun tracks I've listened to in a long time. Gotta love the self-aware lyrics :)
Congrats on the high score!

I exist. That'd pretty much be it. Pictures made on Paint.NET (getpaint.net) and Apophysis 7X.

Age 29, Male

A bit of everything

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Joined on 12/23/13

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