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I love the low-key energy in the piece, along with the piano that enters near the start! You're still evolving at such a quick pace that I always can't wait to hear what you'll come up with next. 2:25 also took me by surprise, and it's such a dramatic part! I absolutely adore those deep notes/hits :D
Parts of this piece remind me of some of the experimental video game music from the 90s. Keep up the great work!!!

zybor responds:

:D you are back!

Thank you for your thoughtful review! This track is an interesting experiment, I was trying to break free from my monotone structure. Not quite successful, but produced rather strange emotion for it.

There's a really interesting atmosphere here, along with some neat harmonies. The evolving energy throughout the piece is something I appreciate. I suppose the title is really apt considering the feel of the song! Great job, and may you have an awesome 2019 :)

Noisysundae responds:

Hey, LSD. Long time no see. Thanks and hope this is an awesome year for you too! :D

This is one of my favourite tracks from you, probably ever! It's so atmospheric, and the energy is maintained throughout. The instruments sound so great together, and the rhythms suck the listener in. The melodies and chords are so well chosen too. I love it, thanks for sharing!!!

zybor responds:

Thank you so much for your response :3

This was an awesome listen!

zybor responds:

Thank you LSD!

I listened to this like 20 times, haha. I love it! It's very cinematic, and you did a great job with the switching dynamics. It really helps tell a story! I'd like to hear this if you tried adding a wider more atmospheric reverb! That's the only thing I'd try to change though, I think the arrangement and composition are pretty much perfect, for what this is :D

@etherealwinds is a singer. He's out now, but I'll message him letting him know what's up. We're working on some other projects too, but I'm sure we can find the time to work on something for you (perhaps modifying this track with dem0's help too), as long as etherealwinds feels comfortable with the style of singing that would fit this kind of project.

Ooh, I totally missed this track from you, earlier this year! It's short and really neat. I think there are a few other ones that just went under my radar; I should go through your catalogue at some point :3

You've been good at this for a while now, but perhaps you're getting even better ;)

zybor responds:

Thank you very much for your review! :3

Ooh, super catchy! The title is a good fit for the atmosphere too :O!!
Awesome xD

zybor responds:

Thank you so much :)

I exist. That'd pretty much be it. Pictures made on Paint.NET (getpaint.net) and Apophysis 7X.

Age 29, Male

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